Boy, I stayed away from this blog so long, I almost forgot how to do it. Unfortunately for you guys, I happened to remember. I sowwy. I've been so busy trying to eke out a meager existence...well, you know.
The Windows to the Words February Challenge wound up with some delightful submissions which you can view by clicking HERE Above are two more of my submissions. While I was doing these here in my gallery/studio, I was observed and I picked up some commissions. And these paintings will serve perfectly as examples for obtaining more commissions whenever and wherever I go to paint or display. When I started Windows to the Words Challenge, I purposefully proposed to offer mainly universal themes...something of interest for most folks. That way, what was painted by contributing artists might be used for sales or gifts. WTTW is basically for fun, fellowship and a smidgen of challenge... not for skill development. Kids, animals and nature is the meat and potatoes of WTTW. I enjoy painting Kids, animals and nature...and I enjoy eating meat and potatoes. And I hold fast to the belief, that, if you enjoy doing something, you do well at it...and, if you try painting something new, you can learn wonders about your talent. So paint with joy from the heart, and send your doubts and critics to vacation in Iran. I promise you won't see any city rooftops and taxicabs on WTTW ( Karin...forgive me) March's WTTW Challenge is a contest (B-b-big prizes!!!!) and it's for the birds...actually the topic is "FOR THE BIRDS". Below is a sample reference photo, but go to WTTW for all the grisly details...and my corny little poem.
A few blogs back, I had the Legend of the Bluebonnet painting and poem I did featured. Well, I went ahead and ordered a bunch of greeting cards with the art on the front and the verse on the inside, left, with envelopes. I made up some headers and got acrylic display stands. I placed some in local shops. They're gone...but I've ordered another 500. Put in some more shops, antique stores, motels, etc. Point of purchase items....and I have my fingers crossed (and praying) that it will catch on. My goal is to have them in 100+ Texas locations by the end of April. It gets my name "out there", and, in quantity, maybe a bit in the bank. If it works, I'll follow with other art and poetry cards on the "Texas Theme"...the Alamo. Lone Star, San Jacinto, Tejas Indians, ZZ TOP...Texas institutions. I'll keep ya posted, but if ya want one signed and numbered (who knows...I may be the next Andy Warthog?) then send a buck and a stamp to me...208 E. Jackson, Burnet, Texas 78611. Shameless, huh? Well take a look at my piggy bank, below. And, finally...Burnet is a quiet little town with lots of old folks. LOTS of old folks. In the barber shop, they talk about how rough it was back in the Civil War. Most cars are travelling at half the speed limit in a 20 mph zone. Supermarket specials focus on prune juice and Depends. BUT...BUT..Burnet DOES have its own BIKER BAR!!!! And I have pictured it below.... CYA down the Road........James
When I checked out The Flying Moleskins blog Valentine's day my heart was swept away by seeing what Liz Holm (the big sweetie!) painted in my art journal....TWO...that's right, 2, remarkable wildlife paintings. One is of a little horse that is enchanting. The other depicts a deer and a rabbit who have developed a relationship that epitomizes "The Way Things Should Be", and I have featured it below... and I have entitled it "Bunny Buddy". It shows that the humblest and gentlest of God's creatures demonstrate more sense, knowledge and wisdom than our world leaders....and, actually more than most of us, too. Liz remarked that it would be nice if we could follow that example of 'GETTING ALONG". Which gave me pause to think that maybe God did provide the instructions to living together in harmony examples set forth in nature, like Liz's illustration. But we're too busy NOT GETTING ALONG to notice. I beg you to click HERE or Liz's art to watch a video of a fawn, cat and bunny that is so appropriate for this artwork....and will give you a "warm, fuzzy feeling" regardless of how cold it is outside. And...if you like the message....pass it on.
I like art challenges. Sometimes I spend more time with art challenges than I do with "Painting for Dollars". This could be why, when I open my pantry, I see three bags of ramen noodles and a can of vienna sausage. But that's another story. Michelle Burnett(another big sweetie) has a neat challenge ..."Following the Masters". This month we followed Robert Henri. Robert Henri began a movement of realism in the art world that was snubbed and shunned by "The Art Elite" of the time. They referred to his work and that of his peers as "Ashcan Art". What Bozos. Anyway, Michelle invited artists to do a rendition of one of his works or be inspired by his work. His subject matter is quite varied, ranging from dirty street scenes to female nudes. When given a choice between dirty street scenes and delightful young maidens sharing their physical Know what a dirty old geezer like me is gonna opt for. DUH, kinda a no-brainer. Below is Henri's "The Young Girl" and my rendition, "The Hot Chick"
Windows to the Words is MY challenge blog. This month's challenge is "Kids and Their Pets...Matching Sets". The submissions I have received are marvelous...but lonely. Very lonely. They need your submission. It can be a sketch..a pen & ink...a painting...a pastel...your prerogative. It is so very sad to see a glum artwork, so cheer them up and send your rendition by the first of March (plenty of time left). Just click HERE or the little girl looking out the window for all the details. My first submission for my WTTW is shown below.
Jill Polsby came up with a grand idea of showing appreciation of participating artists in Karin Jurick's Different Strokes From Diffferent Folks by having them submit a portrait of Karin. Out of 18o artists who participated in Karin's year-end portrait challenge, over 100 responded to Jill's proposal. My not-so-hot attempt is displayed below. To see some really good portraits go to Jill's site by clicking HERE and follow the link.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day, and Cya down the road ....James
My youngest daughter, Traci, and her husband, Mark, are both teachers in Louisiana. After Traci got tired of folks referring to her as the Goodyear Blimp, Boedy came along Friday, February 5, weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Both are doing great, but Mark is still in recovery. Traci and Mark are big New Orleans Saints fans, and, as you can see with Boedy's cap...he's one of their newest fans. Actually, I think Traci had his arrival planned so he could watch the Super Bowl. can also see he already loves his Granddad. Yup...EIGHT grandsons...NO granddaughters.
The Flying Moleskins is a sketchbook project originated by Dominique Eichi. Thirteen artists provided their own sketchbook, did an art piece in it, and sent it to the next artist who will do an art and send it on until it returns home to the original artist who will have a priceless keepsake of treasured art from their peer artists. I received Angela Elledge's sketchbook a few weeks ago, and, her theme being PLACES, I did a scene in Acrylics of a portion of my niece and her husband's yard. It depicts two "Bottle Trees" and some other plants and stuff in their yard. Texans have great imaginations for doing stuff with things that nobody else would do (or want to do). Trees...when Texans aren't hanging hoss thieves or people that put beans in their chili, from trees...or crashing their pickups into em...or barbecuing something with trees...they hang bottles on em, naturally. Indian tradition holds that evil spirits are trapped in the bottles. Texas Baptists contend that the evil spirits are in the bottles when they're full. Whatever. Now this sketchbook flies out to Liz Holm, and I'll anxiously await the next one. Great Project!!!
Windows to the Words Art Challenge (click HERE for reference photos) features kids and their pets. The challenge runs til March 1...plenty of time to submit an artwork. Below is another delightful contribution....