The past couple of weeks or so, with the move from Costa Rica, shipping Pokey and TacoBelle and what belongings I have, relocating artwork, juggling finances, visiting friends and family, struggling to connect with the internet, and 16,000 other things have left me grasping for some semblance of sanity. I think I've almost got it together in Marble Falls, Texas, but there's probably a few fragments of that sanity still missing...wandering around Interstate 10 somewhere. Pokey and Tacobelle are out looking for it, so bear with me, and thanks for your patience.
First off....WOW!!! Some time back I had told you that I had submitted an article to Empty Easel concerning the blog community/camaraderie that sprang up around Karin Jurick's Different Strokes From Different Folks challenge...and how it grew and matured from there. I had hoped Dan would print it. Well, he is...on Friday, May 8....on Empty Easel. I invite you to check it out, and if you want an advanced copy of the article...EMail me.
Taking a short sabbatical from my paints for a few more days, I've been dabbling a bit into another of my "Loves"...writing. I have written a small dissertation on the inter-relation of coincidence to the universality of creation, but I won't plague you with that. But I love to write and I've become addicted to Nancy's Every Photo Tells A Story. On February 20, I stumbled onto EPTAS and noticed this painting of a gargoyle. I studied the object and purpose of the blog..that a photo or painting was displayed each day as a reference for visitors to comment on or write a piece of poetry/prose relating to it. So I wrote a little gargoyle poem that day. And was back the next day. And the next. And the next. ADDICTED....BAM!!!! My March 18 contribution below illustrates this....

"Addiction" @ El Elviana "The Enigma"
I know the hour's late, but there's stuff that just can't wait
I have to end each day with the things I have to say.
Anticipation starts each morning, reading wonders that's been said,
Wisdom, prose and poetry, are whirling in my head
Addicted? Maybe so. That's why I'm always in a hurry,
To get my poems on line, for Every Photo Tells A Story
One of the most important things I had to do while visiting in Louisiana was to visit Glen and Wendy. Gwen (Wendy) is my "OnceWife"'s younger sister. Glen is her husband of 40 years. They come as close to having a perfect mariage as I think I've ever seen of two people. They have also come to be as close friends as a person could ever be blessed with. You will hear more from me about them in the future, but for now, Glen developed esophagial cancer some months back. He has undergone surgery and chemo/radiation and the doctors say the cancer is gone. But he lost a lot of weight and is on a long road to recovery. I spent five days with them visiting, talking and a lot of praying. I wrote this poem for Every Photo Tells A Story just for them....
We've traveled this world's highways...Its winding roads and paths
Stumbled in the rocks and briars, Found splendor in the grass
Side by side, we walked together...Shared the laughter and the tears
Two as one,,,, amid the twilight, We have reached the golden years.
Of all my fondest memories, The ones that mean so much,
Are the ones with words unspoken, Just your kind and gentle touch.
After years of drinking and partying and being an all-around typically selfish, stupid and insensitive "Man", my wife, Sharon, finally got enough and kicked my bozo butt out the door. Our two oldest children (12 and 14) chose to live with me. By the miracle of grace, they turned out super,...teacher and engineer, each with a fine family. Our youngest daughter stayed with her Momma and is now a teacher, married to a teacher. After the kids grew up and moved out, I increased my drinking habit so much that Smirnoff and Seagram stock went up 30 points. Well, the bottom fell out, but that's another story. The real story for now, is that I came to The Light. And remained there. Without getting in anyone's face or shoving stuff down their throats and leaving a bad taste, I look for opportunities to spread a little joy and share a bit of light. When Every Photo Tells A Story (March 4) came along with this painting by my treasured blogfriend, Theresa Rankin, I was led to offer this little writing...

Mighty works of grandeur, In every shape and style
But all Man's pride and efforts, Consistently fall short,
Of the wonders of the Greatest Church,..the one inside your heart.
Blog thought: "Want less. Have more"