I've been away from the blog for a while. I encountered a toxic plant resin rom a FireStick plant (Euphorbia Turicalli), got it my eyes and couldn't see for days. It felt like you poured gasoline and pepper sauce in em....absolutely excruciating. And it took a few weeks to be able to work in close detail. During that time, my brother-in-law and best friend left this life after an 18 month struggle with esophageal cancer. It really affected me (still does and will continue to) and I kinda got propelled into a major funk. Authors have an occasional "block" and artists do, also. I just got into a mood where I got home from work at the greenhouses, grabbed a couple of beers and read books....I think I've finished everything Ken Follett, Michael Crichton, Dan Brown, James Rollins ever wrote...and well into James Michener. While in this state of retreat, I looked up one day and noticed I had two Flying Moleskin Journals to do...Ed Burton and Vern Schwartz. Pokey and Taco Belle, my pups, hopped on me and commanded in dog lingo to get moving. So I picked up my brushes and turned out Ed Burton's Journal with the two pieces. Below....First, the original "Rock" band, and the second. three of my favorite artists.
Now...to get cracking on Vern's. I also haven't updated Windows to the Words, but that will be coming in a couple of days.
Speaking of Ed Burton....Ed sent me some of the neatest photos of pumpkins carved with unbelievable talent and imagination. It's a bit after Halloween, but these are just TOO good, not to share. Here's a couple of them..... Pretty cool, huh? Cya down the road............ James