Aside from computer problems, trying to get used to the heat, adjusting to my new greenhouse job, several artwork projects, and a general depletion of any available energy...I am wa-a-a-ay behind on blogging and blog-visiting. I hope to get back on track I'll keep this one short. Windows to the Words challenge for June is "Reflections" There haven't been many submissions, but the ones submitted are very nice...and you can view them by clicking HERE. And...there's still time to send one in...I'll post all entries received by Sunday, July 4. Pictured above are my 3 submissions. Next month's challenge is a dog portrait exchange, but I haven't received many dog pictures for that one. I hope to have at least a dozen or so....see more info by clicking HERE.
Instead of some humorous pics, I'll save those for next blog and leave you with an absolutely marvelous video my sister sent me. This short video has magnificent scenery, incredible wildlife shots, beautiful music and a truly inspiring message. In the midst of the Oil Spill tragedy, this video is so appropriate to remind us of what we have..and what we cannot afford to lose. Click CREATION CALLS.
Cya down the road....... James
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Well, I started working at Klepac Greenhouses in Blanco, Texas this week. I am in poinsettia propagation and production which will start this coming week. Klepac grows and ships over 200,000 each year. I only work mornings before it gets scorching, so I should have a good bit time for painting and blogging.
The Flying Moleskins project is so cool. It is so exciting to receive a new journal each month and be able to see and hold the artwork of the participating artists. It is thrilling and humbling. Gee, these folks are talented!!!! I had Dana Cooper's Journal this month and her theme is "Dreams". So I dreamt up a couple of ideas, and painted em in her Journal while I was taking a nap. Here they are:
I have been working on "Windows to Texas Wildlife" for several months, and I finished it up and entered it in Austin Artspace's competition, "What Texas Means to Me". And .... I also posted it on the "Some Texas Artists Like to Paint" blog. Its an acrylic on 20 x 24 canvas. It's fairly representative of Texas critters.
Also, on the "Some Texas Artists Like to Paint" blog, the additional theme of having a piece of artwork dealing with the tragic incident of the Gulf Oil Spill is featured. So I wrote a poem and did another painting/decoupage in acylics on 10x20 canvasboard called "Sorrow". Here it is.....