With puffy cheeks like that, he has to be a double bubble fan....so I painted him as above.
Aside from being miserably busy and busy being miserable (kidding)....I've had computer problems. You may have had problems such as I have had. Click the image below and see if your computer and you have had similar experiences.
A couple of blogs ago, I pictured an oil-soaked Brant's Comorant (I think). I painted this Momma Brown Pelican and her two chicks the way our wild life should look. It's a 12x 30 Acrylic on gallery wrap canvas with image extended on edges.
In the incredibly delightful "Flying Moleskin" project, I had Irit Bourla's journal, and her theme is "PLACES". Well....there are a lot of places. Over a thousand, I think. To narrow the choices, I just picked the four places I've lived...Texas, Louisiana, Costa Rica and Florida. And did a little cartoon-like vignette of each, showing a few highlights. It was fun to do and I hope she likes it.
A few mornings ago, I dropped by an old red-neck buddy's place. He was in the middle of whipping up some breakfast...... He asked me to join him, but the eggs were a little too greenish for my taste, so I moseyed on over to the Blanco Cafe ...."The Bowling Alley (yes, that is the name of the cafe). I always carry my camera at the ready for spectacular shots, but all I got was these photos of things you're likely to run across in these parts.. .Cya down the road........................ James