One of my latest commissioned artworks is this hummingbird. The lady that ordered it wanted a ruby-throated hummingbird and the rest was totally up to me. This is what I came up with. I'm not real happy with the red rose...I need to get some lessons on painting roses. Anyway, I Texas-sized and stylized the hummingbird (artistic license, right?). I hope she likes it. My sister likes it, but she's biased.

Hummingbirds are among my neighbors at THE SHACK. Not just a few... Jillions! I put out a feeder and it took about 10 minutes for the first one to find it. He sent out invitations by the score. I put out some more feeders. The hummers increased exponentially. I was painting under the trees a couple of days ago, and I thought I was being attacked by killer bees. There was at least two dozen swarming just over my head. While I was painting this piece, one came and hovered over it about 8 inches from my nose...cheeky little dudes.
Okay, so now I've told you about the goats and hummingbirds I have for neighbors. I pictured below just a few more of my residential associates. The one in the mask tried to come in the window last night and Pokey and TacoBell freaked out. There's plenty more, and next time I'll get into the inside denizens.
A few more shots of THE SHACK....