When I say "Mystery", I really mean it, cause this time it's even a mystery to me. I have no idea if I got in the ballpark with this one..so let me know. The thumbnail I had to work with should have had a title..."Photo of the artist in a dark forest on a moonless night". Also, my scanner bellied up and I had to shoot a photo of this, so the quality isn't up to par (how's that for an excuse?). At any rate, my apologies to the artist. Please don't send a hitman after me.
Note...I have had all kinds of problems with Blogger. First the verification code wouldn't allow comments. So I shot it. Now even Joe the Plumber can comment. Next, I've gotten 34,618 E-Mails from anxious visitors saying they couldn't connect. They get a message like "Windows can't open this blog. Operation aborted". So I deleted my music gadget hoping that'll work. I contacted www.getsatisfaction.com Naturally, I can't get no satisfaction. Went to Blogger Buzz...the "buzz" is the sound of the "helpful" employees and blogger gurus snoring their fannies off. With Google's money seems like they could at least do as good as Pogo Games. OK. Spleen vented. Patience, James.
Next. Windows to the Words debuts TODAY. Visit. Comment. Participate. If you don't I'll hold my breath till I turn chartreuse. Well, maybe not...but I will cry.
NOW, SERIOUS. Seriously...really serious.
I have a few friends in Australia who keep me posted. I heard from them and am devastated...heartbroken. Go to www.brunosart.com Watch the video and see what was lost. It will break YOUR heart. It is so encouraging that he has the spirit to even think of rebuilding. I look at my little problems and feel so small. I'm looking into trying to get an E-bay auction together of donated artworks to help this cause...more on that later.
Have a great weekend. Your buddy in the rainforest.....James