Friday, January 9, 2009

Roswell. D.C....Klaatu Calling

On "Different Strokes From Different Folks", our first project for the year is a nightime photo of the Jefferson Monument in Washington, D.C. Our fearless leader gave us some tips on how to approach the difficulties in painting such contrasts of tone and value. Well, I remember back when I started to paint, I did two pieces..."White Cows in a Snowstorm" and "Black Cows on a Cloudy Midnight". Those were real easy, so I figured with so much dark in the photo, this one should be a snap. NOT. So I played around and messed with til I got it to the point where, although not totally satisfied, I could at least look at it without throwing up so much.
After I got it to that point I looked at it a while. Then I turned out the lights and looked at it again. It looked much better. When I turned the lights back on, I noticed that the dome of the monument looked like a UFO. Well, since it was MY painting I used my prerogative and stuck a flying saucer in it...I would have used my artistic license, but that was revoked some years back. I put in the hearts as an afterthought, cos I figured even alien space travellers need a little love and affection. I mean, if its been light years since...well, let's just say I know how they must feel.


  1. I absolutely love it :D We need more artists like you 'round there. Great job.

  2. I'm so glad someone else thought it looked like a UFO! I love your version.

  3. Camille, Starbird...10Q beddy mush for the compliments. More artists like me? Scary thought. However, with more crazys like me, the world just might be a saner place. UFO? Why showah...first saw it I thought of that old sci-fi movie, "The Day The Earth Stood Still" Y'all keep stroking.

  4. too funny.... love the painting!

  5. This is hysterical!Great spin on it.. you really made this your own.

  6. I really like what you did with the UFO- funny! And they're even LOVING aliens! Very enjoyable.

  7. Hi James! I came across your blog today after reading a comment you left on my sketch blog. You are a very funny man and a talented artist! I especially like this piece...I try not to let the cat out of the bag too often around my friends, but I love aliens and the whole Roswell thing! Shhh...don't tell anyone!

  8. LOL now each time I see the Jefferson Memorial I'll imagine the top flying off! Clever, very clever!

  9. Sheila, Kathleen, Steph, Edward, Erika...thank you so much for the delightful comments. Kate...I wouldn't even dream of saying anything about you and the aliens. Not a peep from me about the ALF and ET thing. No way. And I wouldn't worry about that Close Encounters and Starman business. Nobody will hear about that from me. Crop circles on your computer screensaver is fairly common, I think. I started to put some on my computer, but I didn't want anyone to think I was weird.

  10. Close encounters of the Third grade ... I LOVE IT!!!

  11. I love this -- is it for sale? I work in a children's CF clinic and am always looking for artwork that makes them smile (something funny sometimes makes the scary stuff, like shots, a little easier). jodie -- you can email me at hypnotic_nurse (at) hotmail (dot) com.
